My Passport Drive Not Showing Up Mac

Change the Finder settings. One of the most common reasons for Mac not recognizing external hard drives is due to the system not being set up to display hard drives on the desktop. There’s a simple fix for this: Open a Finder window. Go to Preferences General. Check that the External disks option is enabled. Here's how to start over. External hard drive showing up in Disk utility not in Devices. This problem also happened after OS X Yosemite update. Next, the USB was plugged into PC and scanned and fixed it as recommended by Windows 10. I have never used my wd my passport ultra before and it will not show up on my mac. The problem is with the USB cable. Reconnect the WD drive via a new USB hub or to a new PC. If the WD Passport drive shows up, it is the damaged USB hub that stops WD from showing up. If the WD passport is not detected either on your current or the new PC, replace the WD drive with a new one. WD External Drives WD Portable Drives. CBB October 15, 2020, 9:46pm #1. I bought a 5TB black WD My Passport Ultra and it doesn’t appear on my Mac. I have MacOS Mojave. When I plug it in, I can’t even see it on disk utilities. I have an older 4TB WD My Passport which shows works perfectly, so the connection on my Macbook is not faulty. This video shows how to fix external hard drive not mounting, hard disk, SD card, or USB that your computer or laptop fails to recognise or detect in disk ut.

  1. My Passport Drive Not Showing Up Mac Download
  2. My Passport Is Not Showing
  3. My Passport Hard Drive Not Showing Up Mac

This article includes the following parts

How to view files on wd my passport Windows 10/8/7


How do you open or view hidden files on wd my passport on Windows 10 or 7? Usually there are three different dialemma when your files cannot be accessed or open on my passport.

#1 How to show hidden files on wd my passport external hard drive Windows 10

Is it possible to view hidden files or folders? YES, you may go with the following steps to unhide files or folders on your western digital disk if files were hidden for some reasons and then cannot be viewed.

  • Insert your wd my passport to a Windows computer like Windows 10 laptop, and it would display as an external storage device under THIS PC.
  • Double clicking THIS PC, you will see your disk there (If it does not display properly, see this solution: how to read disk when it cannot be detected in Windows 10 - 6 fixes)
  • Open your wd passport in File Explorer.
  • In the Ribbon user interface of Explorer, click File -> Change folder and search options.
  • The Folder Options dialog will open.
  • Under the View options, scroll down and select 'Show hidden files and folders' under 'Hidden files and folders' options.

#2 WD my passport Files were hidden by virus or other causes/damages

My Passport Drive Not Showing Up Mac Download

If your files were hidden or deleted by virus or other unknown causes, use the following cmd to show files and folders on my passport.

Click 'Start' Menu > 'Run' > type 'cmd' > type 'attrib -h -r -s /s /d h:*.* '

My Passport Drive Not Showing Up Mac

Here is a video that shows how to view files that were hiden.

#3 How to view or access WD my passport Files that were deleted by unknown causes

Free wd external hard drive my passport recovery tool iCare Data Recovery Pro is free to help access files on my passport when files were deleted or removed or not seen even without a named cause.

Also read: recover files from wd my passport

WD my passport not detected on computer? My passport cannot be accessed? Try the following solution.

how to access external hard drive when it cannot be detected in Windows 10 - 6 fixes; or solution: wd my passport does not show up in Windows 10 pc

WD my passport won't open? wd my passport reported raw format? WD my passport needs formatting?

Try this solution: External hard drive raw format fix

How to View files on wd my passport mac

This following video will show you how to see hidden files and folders on MAC with mac terminals to unhide files.

My Passport Is Not Showing

If your wd my passport does not show up in MAC, try the following solution in the link.

WD external disk my passport not showing up? Try this: WD hard drive not recognized on MAC fixes

My passport drive not showing up mac youtube

Files deleted or removed from my passport? Lazesoft Data Recovery for Mac would show files that were removed by what kind of causes when the deleted files were not overwritten by new files.

Also read: 5 free file recovery software for mac

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My Passport Hard Drive Not Showing Up Mac

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